Monday, September 30, 2019

Distance Still Matterthe Hard Reality of Global Expansion Essay

CAGE Distance Framework Distance Still Matters analyses several factors that impact both success and failure in global expansion strategies. The challenges discussed are dimensions of distance. The four dimensions of distance discussed are cultural, administrative, geographic and economic. Cultural distance is essentially the differences in communication, interaction, religion, race and social norms. Administrative or Political distance refers to the absence of colonial ties, shared political association and institutional weaknesses. Examples of political barriers are tariffs, trade quotas and restrictions on foreign investment. Political associations between countries, typically that exist in a colony/colonizer relationship facilitates international trade due to similarities in administrative dynamics. Geographic distance is created due to remoteness or the lack of access due to transportation, communication limitations or differences in size and climate. Economic distance is created by a discrepancy in re sources such as financial, intellectual, human and natural. Star TV Star TV’s attempt to expand into the global media television market was given as an example of a failed initiative due to the lack of focus on dimensions of distance between foreign markets. Star TV was founded in 1991 with a mission to deliver television programming to Asian audiences. Their motivation was that they perceived the Asian audience as being starved for diverse media choices. Star projected that English language programming would transition into the Asian culture, especially with the socio-economic elite (top 5%). The strategy to gain a competitive advantage over broadcaster was to use satellite technology to transmit programming. Star’s expansion attempt failed, recording losses of $141 million in 1999 and $500 million between 1996 and 1999. Without extensive Asian market research this initiative was unrealistic. An assumption was made that cultural distance did not exist between Asia and the United States. The Asian media market was not as interested in English speaking programming as Star’s management projected. Additionally, Asian governments imposed barriers to politically driven programming which created even more political distance that initially existed. Star TV’s mistake was the lack of market research and a â€Å"go/no go† decision making process. Too many assumption were made that the international media television market was immune to dimensions of distance such and cultural and political. Recommendation Identify a sample market and run a pilot test with several typical English-speaking programming options. CPA Approach The CPA approach or the Country Portfolio Analysis looks at how the actual and potential markets measuring per capita income and per capita industry consumption. The two indicators plotted on a grid creating bubbles that represent the size of each country’s market Tricon Restaurants International (TRI) Tricon spun off from Pepsico in 1997. The company’s core business is managing fast food chains such as Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC both domestically and internationally in 27 countries. In 1998 the company began evaluating the possibility of consolidating operations within high performing markets. Two thirds of TRI’s revenues and even a higher proportion of profits came from 7 of the 27 markets. Based solely on market size, TRI’s initially plan was to dispose of its investment in Mexico. Mexico fast food market ranked 16th of 20, with a total fast food consumption of $700 million. Using the CPA approach, TRI identified Mexico as a top 3 priority based on geographic distance from Dallas, TX (TRI’s Headquaters), common land borders and favorable trade agreements with the United States. (Beamish, 2011) References Beamish W. Paul and Bartlett Christopher, Transnational Management: Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Mangement, pg. 95-105

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana outline and speech Essay

Marijuana has always been an issue in our country’s history. However, today, it has gained more attention than it has in the recent decades. People were raised and taught since their early years that this plant brings nothing but trouble to your life if you consume it, for any reason. However, marijuana isn’t as bad as we were all taught that it was. Legalizing marijuana can actually bring many benefits to many groups in today’s society. It’s actually not that bad of a plant once you get to know it a little better. Legalizing marijuana can benefit the American government in a few different ways. One way that it could benefit the government is by selling it and taxing it. Alcohol and tobacco, though known as two drugs that can cause harm to you, still sell and bring in a lot of federal and state tax revenue, regardless of how high taxes are placed on these products. The size of the marijuana market, though illegal, is still very huge and very profitable. If the government were to legalize marijuana, it could bring approximately up to $8.7 billion in federal and state revenue. This could help the government tremendously. This much money can be used for a lot of different things. One thing that this money can help improve is education. For example, in the state of Colorado, it is said that the state has already gained $10 million  in taxes from retail stores in the first 4 months. They said that the first $40 million that they gained in taxes from these â€Å"pot† retailers would be used in their education system and infrastructure, as well as educational campaigns about substance use. This money can be used to purchase new books, technology, equipment, etc., that could be useful to students and teachers in public schools. With a new industry and legal market going on, it could also help create more jobs. In Colorado, more than 10,000 jobs have been created since January of 2014. Many people that were unemployed have now been able to get a job in the marijuana industry, whether it be in distribution, trimming the plants, packaging, petitioning, educating, advertising, and so much more. Marijuana can also bring many health benefits to those who are in need of its â€Å"super high powers.† One disease that it can help treat or prevent is glaucoma. Glaucoma starts when pressure in the eyeball increases, damaging an optic nerve and causes the loss of vision. So, how does marijuana help exactly? Well, according to researchers, marijuana helps reduce the pressure in eye. It has been said that it lowers the pressure in the eyes of people with normal vision and even in people who have glaucoma. Marijuana can also help control epileptic seizures. Marijuana contains a chemical that many people know as THC. THC can help control seizures that are not responsive to other treatments taken to control them. It has been tested with animals and proven to reduce seizures in epileptic rats. There are epileptic people who actually consume marijuana and believe that it help to control their seizures, saying that it helps to regulate their relaxation. One important disease that marijuana may be able to treat is cancer. A chemical in marijuana knows as CBD is believed to stop the spread of cancer by turning of a gene that helps produce cancer cells. Some studies even show that some compounds in marijuana could even actually kill cancer cells. There are studies where people with cancer consume marijuana and believe that it reduces the size of their tumors. Legalizing marijuana can also help reduce crime rates and spending money on crimes related to marijuana. The United States government spends a lot of money on prisoners, approximately $68 billion a year. It is said that about  one-third of the prisoners are incarcerated for nonviolent drug related crimes. This means that legalizing marijuana could help save $11.3 billion from spending on imprisonments. That can help the government save a lot of money and maybe reduce the deficit. According to researchers, it is also believed that legalizing pot could reduce crime rates. Since the legalization in Colorado, about 10.1% of crime has decreased, and a 6.9% decrease in violent crimes. These crimes involve homicides, burglaries, and sexual assaults. Property crime rates have dropped about 11.1%, involving burglary, larceny, auto theft, and thefts from motor vehicles. Legalization of marijuana could also help reduce the number of traffic deaths. According to some economists’ studies, states that have legalized the use of medical marijuana have dropped 9% in fatal car wrecks, which means that there was a decline in drunk driving. This proves that driving high is so much safer than driving drunk. Many people will continue to believe that marijuana is worse than alcohol or tobacco and believe that it will bring nothing but bad things to people who consume it. However, there are facts and studies that prove that legalizing marijuana could bring various amounts of benefits to many people. Like I said, it’s not that bad once you get to know the plant a little better. Remember, don’t knock it until you try it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tree Planting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tree Planting - Essay Example If you are planting a tree just for the purpose of planting, your choice may differ. However, if you are planting the tree so that you can grow it and eat its fruit your overall effort may be different. It is therefore extremely important to define the purpose for which the tree is being planted. 2. Selecting the right time of the year is another important step because not all trees can be planted in every season. Planting trees in summer or late spring may not be suitable as the heat may not allow the plan to grow properly and may ultimately die down. It is critical that right time of the year must be chosen to plan the tree. 3. Digging the hole in right size and width is another important step to be performed in order to successfully plant the tree. Many a times, people dig holes which are either large or wider and thus may not be suitable for the planting of the tree. One can learn from the intuition as to what should be the right width and depth of the hole considering the size of the tree being planted. A typical standard to dig the hole of right size is to dig it at least twice as large as the root ball of the tree. You may also need to check the local requirements for digging the hole of right size especially if you are digging it near a telephone booth or other public places. There may be certain restrictions on digging the hole over the particular size in local areas so better check with the local requirements. 4. Once hole is dug, next step is to place the tree in the hole in a manner that it can easily fit the tree inside the hole. The overall process to place the tree in the hole is however, different for large and small trees. If you are planting a small tree, it is easier to upside down the pot and remove the tree to plant it. However, if the tree is large, you may require a large scissor or knife to actually cut through the packing and then place the tree in the hole of right size. Sometimes, large trees have

Friday, September 27, 2019

John Gerard Ruggie Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John Gerard Ruggie - Article Example with Regard to Human Rights and secondly the author’s mandate on the issue of human rights that he presented as a special representative of the united nations. The norms drafted by the UN were said to be a pioneering measure to ascertain the provision of basic human rights in a business setup on an international level. Even though it was accepted by the United Nation’s Sub-Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, its parent body, the human rights commission UN failed to accept it. According to the author, this norm had several loopholes that could have resulted to this case. Firstly, the norms included all other business enterprises and not just the transnational. With 77000 transnational firms all over the world, globalization encourages them to spread its operations and supply chain all over the world. However, every country has a different and completely new system of socio political environment and a set of laws. The issue debates whether an international law binding is enough for the subsidiaries operation in different countries as a lapse on the subsidiary’s part may hold the parent company responsib le. In the general obligations section of the draft norms, the human rights laws are proposed in detail incorporating aspects like discrimination, security, even debated areas like environmental rights and indigenous community’s rights. However, it failed to propose the scope of the spheres of influence under which these need to be practiced. Neither did it mention the primary and secondary nature of state and corporate duties respectively. The author took into account these pitfalls of the draft norms and proposed in his mandate measures that incorporated existing international corporations, their practices in order to decrease the gap between human rights and corporate activities internationally. The proposed strategies by the author strengthen the draft norms by correcting the existing pitfalls. Firstly, making corporations

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ownership of Human Tissues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ownership of Human Tissues - Essay Example Similar cases are true for most other possessions. Whatever else a person may possess in this world, notwithstanding, no doubt naturally evident that he or she claims the cells of his or her body. Where else could the idea of possession start, other than with the parts of a substantial corpus that all would perceive as "me"? However, there have been claims and even court cases regarding the issue of ownership of human body tissues. For instance, if part of the patient body is removed and used for research or any other purpose, does the patient still retains the rights to these body parts. If not, how far do his rights of possession extend as concerns his own body parts? This essay will explore the historical and contemporary concept of ownership of human tissues and ethics. The guiding thesis for this essay is that the rights of ownership of human tissues extends to as far as the tissues are within the body1. The essay will explore the law concerning this issue and provide arguments for and against the thesis statement. The concept of property has been legally unclear over many years. The issue gets even more complicated when it comes to the basic question whether people actually own their own bodies. With any legally accepted property, the alleged owner has the right to use the property in any way they please only if the use does not harm others. If so is true, then donated human parts, and organs are still in the possessions of the donor and he, or she has the rights to dictate how they are to be used and/or disposed. However, this is not as simple as it sounds. With the advent of biotechnology, the world has witnessed multiple controversies related to the ownership and use of bits and pieces from human bodies whether alive or not. Human tissues and cells are currently scattered over a wide range of laboratories, sperm

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Significance of Anishinaabe Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Significance of Anishinaabe Literature - Essay Example No matter what the content is, any piece of literature can only survive the test of time, and gradually transforms into a legend, if it fulfills the criteria of relevancy and righteousness. A fable, poem, play, or an anecdote, will have a continuing impact if it contains a moral lesson, which not only relates to the readers’ life, but also fills them with a sense of hope, and acts as a guide during tough patches of life. This is the reason Anishinaabe, also referred as Ojibwe, folklore, especially the short stories, had been, and is still famous among the Native American and general population. Long before Ojibwe had a written language, storytellers kept ‘Books’ of the tales, where few raconteurs were responsible for compiling the historical incidents, another group of narrators accumulated cultural myths, and the last group gathered religious traditions (Dunn, 20). Majority of these stories were transferred orally from an older generation to a younger generation, to convey the underlying moral messages, and to teach the wisdom within. Anishinaabe literature plays a crucial role in the life of indigenous people, as it richly portrays their dynamic history, guides their troubled and disillusioned younger generation, and serves as a moral support during turbulent times; whilst constantly depicting their abounding values, and their interconnected world of man and nature.Their accepted wisdom, regarding the initial development of life, is clearly delineated in the ‘stories of creation.... Historically it is believed that the process of creation took place in four sequences; first of all the physical world came into being, followed by the plant, and animal worlds, and lastly human race was formed (Johnston, 21). Johnston further describes that traditionally in Anishinaabe historical stories, the ‘Kitche Manitou’, the Great Spirit, and their equivalent of Christian God, had a vision of the world as it is today, and proceeded to create all four types of life, out of nothing. Kitche Manitou also bestowed special and distinct powers to each living being, for example, the sun was given the power of ‘light and heat’, the earth was bestowed with ‘growth and healing’ capacities, so that they all can effectively carry out their functions of life in this world, and also live in harmony with other creatures (12). An important fact here is that, in Anishinaabe historical accounts, the human race was created at the end, and is considered the w eakest of all types of living beings. It can also be said that this belief was meant to keep the mankind, known for his arrogance, and pride, humble and considerate of those around him. Bird quotes an Anishinaabe elder claiming that â€Å"If the waters stop flowing, there will be no life; if the plants die, there will be no life; if all the animals die, there will be no life; if, however, humanity ceased, life will flourish† (4). This statement eloquently captures the perceived interdependence of human race on other forms of life, and again strengthens the initial argument that to realize one’s rightful position in the world, one needs to recognize the value of other beings, and be grateful of what is

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Reflection On Freewriting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection On Freewriting - Essay Example Answering the question â€Å"who am I?† truly offers me an opportunity to distinguish and express my personality, traits, and potential. I can quickly and briefly identify myself as a simple person who believes that a person’s surroundings do not dictate their future or potential. I am not a complicated individual who seemingly knows a little bit of everything and always ignores his surroundings. In addition, I am most certainly not similar to any other human being because we all possess unique character traits irrespective of how insignificant they may seem. The question â€Å"who am I?† is a lifelong endeavor. However, I can do my best to answer that I am a person who reads, reflects, and explores my many beliefs and decides which are real or unreal. I am a young adult who reads, reflects, and explores my many beliefs and settles on the idea that they are either real or unreal. There are numerous ways of answering the question â€Å"who am I?† The conven tional answer to this question unveils how saddening and dictating religion or traditional culture can be. Similarly, the modern way of defining my life is saddening but not dictating. Instead, the modern way only proves that there is no natural meaning in essentially anything in the universe. I chose a much more personalized standpoint to define who I am than the generalized roots of traditional and modern views. First, I am proud of this free writing piece because it is a reminder of the signs of progress in my writing I have made. Among the signs of progress in my writing is structure.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Auditing case assignment Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Auditing assignment - Case Study Example The balance sheet accounts will substantiate or given ample evidence that the revenues reported in the income statements are valid and relevant. For, an increase in cash in the balance would indicate that a cash sales transaction occurred. However, an increase in cash could also be attributed to collection of accounts receivable and not a new sales transaction. In addition, an increase in receivables account would indicate a possible sales on account transaction. On the other hand, an increase in receivables account could be due to an reinstatement or reversal of an accounts receivable that had been written off. Accounts receivable are written off if there is a probability that the a certain amount of receivables can no longer be collected because the customer may be absconded or has filed for bankruptcy in the courts2. Yes, the substantive approach appropriately was applied in EM's audit of Maxall. First, EM determined that a violation of the auditing principle that segregation of incompatible functions occurred. Auditing principles state that incompatible functions of recording, keeping and approving should not be placed in the shoulders of one person.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Comments and response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Comments and response - Essay Example Your strategy seems very effective from the start, which I much welcome to ensure my child is focused from the first day in school to his/her completion. The communication plan you have established is quite commendable and am willing to partner with your efforts to see that my child progress is tracked in a collaborative way both at home and at school. I will be much honored to provide you with al my child’s cultural, social, and linguistic background to ensure the e/she is included effectively in your learning environment. I would like you to clarify to me on ways to ensure that I participate in my child’s education. Thank you for the teamwork you reveal to ensure that all child’s needs are met. I am very much aware that I know more of my child’s information more than anyone else does, and I will ensure that I will give all details to the administration. I would like to seek more information on what programs you have to ensure that my child does not face discrimination and is included in your environment because he is a black American and has a language proficiency disability. Thank you for an extensive emphasizes on communication matters between e as a parent and the teachers, which I also believe that is the backbone to an effective partnership and parental involvement in a learning environment. Your IEP program comforts me that my child’s needs will be met accordingly. However, your school has rules and procedures; hence, I would like you to clarify on considerations for children with disabilities. Thank you for your full support of collaborative strategies with my colleagues to ensure your child thrive to the top in terms of academic as social aspects. Regarding your query on the rules and procedures in my class, note that most of them are made through my inclusive plan whereby the students decide among themselves which rules to set for optimal learning environment focused on minimal

Saturday, September 21, 2019

International markets small business in USA Essay Example for Free

International markets small business in USA Essay International markets small business in USA Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Venture capitalists invest massive of money to companies that want to expand but have no enough access to public funds. They are willing to invest in such companies because they earn massive benefit when the company succeeds. Consequently, venture capitalists look for firms with strong management staff, large markets and unique goods with high competitive advantage (Gladstone Gladstone 2004). They are driven by the desire to own a large portion of the company so that they can influence its direction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   International markets are complex due to their vast geographical coverage in the worlds rapidly changing and growing nations. The basics for international markers ranging from diverse culture and languages, handling issues related to business ethics, selection of distribution and global marketing channels and international communication. They are the key issues that guide the operationality of worldwide markets (Omar, Abduh, Sukmana, 2013)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This situation represent personal and professional dilemma where by the personal and professional interests that are simultaneously conflicting. I will use the principles of ethical decision making process seek supervision self mirror image and illumination of the process will also consider legal obligation that supersedes my professional and personal ethics (Wueste,1994). I will talk both the boss and supervisor to examine their feeling about my situation as that pertain my professional ethics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The small businesses are important in US economy in many aspects. They employ many people, actually about the half of the total workforce in there a key in driving the economy as opposed to giant multi-billion dollar companies (White House Committee on Small Business, 1962).They are instrumental in stabilizing forces in the economy .the owners are backbone for creativity innovation production and value creation in United States. The small business is actually what stimulates the economy. References Gladstone, D., Gladstone, L. (2004). Venture capital investing: The complete handbook for investing in private businesses for outstanding profits. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Financial Times Omar, A., Abduh, M., Sukmana, R. (2013). Fundamentals of Islamic money and capital markets. Singapore: John Wiley White House Committee on Small Business (U.S.). (1962). Small business in the American economy: Its contributions and its problems [and] the role of the Federal Government. Washington. Wueste, D. E. (1994). Professional ethics and social responsibility. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield. Source document

Friday, September 20, 2019

Review Of The Ielts Speaking Task English Language Essay

Review Of The Ielts Speaking Task English Language Essay Currently, the most popular language assessment such as Cambridge certificate exam, IELTS (The International English Language Testing System), TOEFL (The Test of English as a Foreign Language ) and GRE (Graduate Record Examination ) are widely considered as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of test takers who need to study, work or immigrate where English is the language of communication. Take the IELTS exam for example, it is not only for the people who are ready to enter the university of instruction in English as the leading national education system designed for language testing, but also for testing English level of people who prepare to settle this countries. IELTS is one of the most widely used in various countries like study abroad: the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the United States, etc; Immigration: Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It is widely used large-scale ESL tests and played a pivotal role for peoples lives such as use for making critical dec isions about the candidates for their admission to university or immigration to foreign countries and so forth (Uysal, n.d.). It is owned by three partners which are the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, the British Council and IDP, Education Australia (Cambridge University, 2007). This language test involves four aspects: listening, speaking, reading and writing which can detection the test takers English proficiency as the applicants certification compliance. As for the test takers, the IELTS preparation course is to improve the process of English, most of Chinese people have the weak link are writing and speaking. Speaking is the very basic and more difficult skill to access. If the test takers want to grasp this skill, they should take more time and energy to accumulate in daily life. As a result, this report aims to analysis the IELTS speaking test, notice the assessment of speaking, and evaluate the limitation of the speaking test. There are some advantages of IELTS exam built on the history of English language testing and assessment over this several years. It established a good reputation, its rating is impartiality and credibility, and is widely used in language testing institutions in many countries. According to IELTS Organization website, IELTS test takers and the organizations are depend on the IELTS test results benefit from IELTS continuing investment in quality assurance, to make sure the test remains orderly and relevant ( IELTS Organization, n.d.). At the beginning, the English Language Testing Service (ELTS) made the first test appearance in 1980 when it substituted for the English Proficiency Test Battery (EPTB), a traditional largely multiple choice test battery which had been used by the British Council in its students from overseas recruitment and employment since the mid 1960s for the objective of international applicants to universities and colleges in the UK (IELTS Organization, n.d ) This n ew model test use an innovative format which can influence the changes in language learning and development of language testing and assessment. IELTS is traditional as a pencil and paper test, it different from TOEFL which is as a computer-based test, and the IELTS speaking test is used one to one interview method to assess. It focuses on the communication from the test takers and through their performance to assess them in academic contexts and the fluency of language use. According to the official data, during the 1980s the test numbers were quite low (4000 in 1981 rising to 10,000 by 1985), it obviously shows that there were difficulties with the administration of the test which relates to the test items and time taken to complete the test (IELTS Organization, n.d ). From 1989 IELTS test candidates took two non-sepcialised models, listening and speaking, and two specialized model which are reading and writing. The non-specialised models are focus on test general English and the s pecialised models are used to test language skills in particular areas. Further modifications to the IELTS test were implemented in April 1995 with keeping with the commitment of the Partners to development in applying linguistic, teaching practice and measurement. There are three aspects of change: the original models are replaced by an academic reading module and an academic writing module; the difference in terms of the context and content between the Academic and General Training Modules; to ensure fairness relating to the test takers during the test (IELTS Organization, n.d). Discussion: The IELTS speaking test: General background information IELTS is different from TOEFL test, and its candidates faced questions not already recorded good specifications, but to directly face to the examiners which belongs to one on one interview and take between 11 and 15 minutes.. This is why the IELTS is more and more recognized by many people. IELTS consist of two major types which according to whether a candidate takes the academic or General Training version of the test. This speaking module assesses whether candidates can communicate effectively in English speaking. IELTS oral test is a system with a pattern, and the scoring with fairness and credibility. This module is divided three parts: part 1 is introduction and interview which the examiner introduces him/herself and confirms candidates identity, and the examiner interviews the test takers using oral questions selected from familiar topic frames with 4 5 minutes, the examiners will ask some basic questions to alleviate the tense mood of candidates; part 2 is individual long tur n in 3 4 minutes, including 1 min preparation time. This part is about examiner asks test takers to speak for 1 2 minutes on a particular topic based on written input in the form of general instruction and content prompts (Cambridge University, 2007). This stage is often more difficult to grasp for many candidates, and examiner invites candidates to participate in discussion of a more abstract concept such as issues and topic based on the oral questions thematically linked to part two. This part will last 4 5 minutes. The whole oral test tends to daily life, and more colloquial. In the IELTS speaking section, the examiner is also a commentary by the four analytical subscales at the nine bands: fluency and coherence; lexical resource; grammatical rang and accuracy; pronunciation (Cambridge University, 2007). These four criteria are equally weight. IELTS speaking test is the weak link to many test takers, and a considerable number of test takers is difficult to obtain high score. The test takers need to look at the IELTS speaking module score standards to overcome this difficulty at the beginning. The examiner has a set of criteria by which he or she assesses the test takers communication skills in these three parts. However, in the examination process, candidates manners and other personal factors will influence on the examiner score, this is not be ignored. 2.2 Reliability issues IELTS test is significant not only for study and immigration, currently more and more foreign enterprises are recognized by foreign companies as an objective, fully reflect the standard of English level for the candidates, especially in China. These IELTS test takers with this certificate apply for the job opportunity, especially for foreign commonwealth countries, they often have a greater competitive advantage. In recent years, as authorized IELTS score of countries and institutions increased, there are many people are concerned about this test. All the colleges and universities in commonwealth countries accredited IELTS score, and this test also recognized as the only English test in Australia. There are more people interested in rater reliability, this is because rater reliability is not possible to achieve as there is great variation even when standardization procedures to improve reliability have been undertaken. The second generalization from the discussion was that participan ts were in effect talking about that standardization procedures to make raters more reliable were stricter generally'(Langley, n.d.). Uysal (n.d.) points out IELTS test claims that the use of analytic scales is helpful for higher reliability as impressionistic rating and norm referencing are discouraged, and greater discrimination across bands is achieved. In the second place, raters tented to adhere to the assessment scale step by step, beginning with task achievement then moving on to the next criterion. It is understood that, scoring rules is to facilitate foreign institutions, embassies, and other employers have received IELTS students, staff test the effectiveness of the organization have a more intuitive understanding, so that they can recognize the scientific nature of the IELTS test and the reliability of the test result. The publication score of standard rules is also significant for the test takers, they can use the benefits of this rules. The test takers can be targeted for information through the detailed score standard, and the rating published rules in favor of analysis the scores for the test takers, and reduce the errors. At the same time, the strict processes used to produce the test materials ensure that every version of the test is of a comparable level of difficulty, so that they can ensure the fairness for the candidates and the results of the test takers are consistent wherever and whenever they take the test (IELTS Organization, n.d.). During the speaking test, t he main task type is interaction of test takers with examiner, in the first part, the candidates talk to the examiner like free conversation, it is easy to help the candidates to access to main topic. According to the view of Luoma (2004), he considers that speaking skills can be grouped for three points: routine skills which involving interaction with the examiner and get the useful information; improvisation skills contain negotiation of meaning and management of interaction; the last is microlinguistic elements, which is belongs to phonology, grammar and lexis. These are main aspects for examiners to test the English level for the test takers. The aim of the test and practical circumstances in which it will be settled set the general guidelines. However the most important point when designing tasks is the construct-related information that the scores must deliver, or the score users need to know about the examinees speaking skill (Luoma, 2004). validity issues During the IELTS speaking test, there are many different dimensions to validity. Cohen (1994) maintains that validity is generally considered the most significant aspect of assessment. In its simplest definition, validity refers to whether the assessment instrument actually measures what it purports to measure.Tests are validated by systematically collecting the data to support the correct form and intend to use of the assessment. And the assessment should be used to classify English language proficiency during the test. In the construct validity which is refers to the extent to the scores from the assessment instrument, it can measure the ability of the test takers in English (study guide, 2006). IELTS results are reported on a nine band scale, this score for all language ability which is fair for each test takers. The examiners based on the performance to judge the language ability. In the consequential validity, it relates to the social impact of the test (study guide, 2006). It h as positive effect for the society. IELTS test is increasingly accepted by academic institutions in European where English is used for study, immigration and employment. At last, the most important is face validity which refers to whether the test is acceptable to the candidates and other stakeholder like university admissions officers (study guide, 2006). And during the whole oral test, face validity will influence the performance of attitudes towards to the test for the test takers and also impact on the results of the test. The IELTS speaking task is to assess the test takers oral language skills, there is a range of topics is covered from common daily life such as family, lifestyle, transport, etc, and there are some challenging topics like technology, education, society and some of science knowledge involving weather, pollution, environment and so forth. During the process of test, the examiners will record the conversation with the test takers and get the feedback from the can didates as soon as possible and then give the evaluation correctly. During these several decades, the assessment of IELTS test become more perfect, through the collection of evidence made by candidates, and due to the development of the society, this test will change with the English standard of the whole world. 2.4 limitations IELTS test is as the point of internationalization to start, which contains western culture, geography, history and customs of other knowledge to the majority in Australia and the United Kingdom. It applies the traditional written and oral method to have the exam, which can express the content for people, but it also has a lot of its own shortages in the examination, such as the examiners subjective meaning of the test and some man-made factors. Firstly, IELTS speaking test does not change in recent years. IELTS exam in reading, writing and listening comprehension made some changes, but the oral part has not change, many test takers mentions that the oral test are not new, the topics are old-fashioned, and there are many books are for the IELTS exam to help the candidates to get high marks. There is more common situation that during the oral test, the test takers talk about the content basically similar for the same topic, it is so boring for the examiners. As the reason of the old questions, many candidates in the exam preparation should be collected more formal questions before, therefore, IELTS speaking does not only detect language ability of students, but also inspect the preparation before the work is complete. They also noted that preparing the answer to be informative and simple on the structure, not answer too complex and lengthy. Sometimes some candidates do not even play out their true level of English. Secondly, during the IELTS speaking test, it is obviously exit the differences in the thinking of western culture. Some IELTS speaking assessors have too much to do and they are not reliable. According to the study guide, it maintains that methods for designing a rating scale may be intuitive or empirical. Intuitive methods use expert judgment about what to include in the scale, and these scales are often based on existing rating scales, or a need analysis and use a native speaker ideal. Empirical methods may be data-based or empirical (study guide, 2006). In addition, some examiner exist some subjective meaning of the test, it is not fair for the test takers. So some non-native speakers cannot get high score is related to some private reasons. And even some examiners have prejudice for some students, and even the first impression will impact the mood of the examiners. Moreover, there are many differences in the model of thinking between western and the other countries, especially Ch inese test takers. When they communicate with foreigners, they would know the western countries culture to talk with them and seize the key point to increase the interest to them, in contrast, at the beginning of the oral test, they cause the examiner do not interested in what they said and want to over the conversation immediately. As a result, it is more important of the examiners to mark criteria which are as clear as possible, so that the score reliability is more significant for every test takers, they need correct evaluation in the oral test. It is more preferable to have the record for the test taker, which is a effective evidence that will lead to reliable scoring. At last, the examiners sometimes will also affect the mood of the candidates, because of the need for a long time to test the candidates, they often feel tired which can impact on the results of the test takers. These artificial factors are inevitable, so that it also can influence the fairness of the examination. Finally, English speaking test can sometime give the candidates some errors which can mislead the test takers, they simply think that this is an oral exam, they as long as use the basic language of daily life during the free conversation. However, IELTS speaking test focus on the formal expression not idioms or slang. Take the Chinese people for example, when foreigners communicate with Chinese people, they often use formal English, rarely use idiom which is conventional terms, its true meaning is different from the composition of words. And they use less slang which is informal idiom, different occupations and areas have different meanings (Wikipedia). For most Chinese candidates, IELTS test is one of the most sensitive. As the reason of the backward of English teaching, many candidates have less time to contact with foreigners. This also key point of the influence low score for the test takers. Conclusion In conclusion, IELTS speaking test is a comprehensive English language ability of candidates to the examination. The oral test has been modified as a result of many subjects which can help them to improve understanding of the test and task design for assessing the oral test ability. They also hope that the new test format, strict training and monitoring of the examiners performance will result in a oral test which can lead to fair and reliable for the test taker, which can help the them to improve English level. IELTS exam is the comprehensive exam in English for the test takers ability assessment in the same difficulty of the highest level of English proficiency test. IELTS score are accredited by all colleges and universities in the commonwealth countries. many people who wants to study abroad, as long as get the requirements of IELTS scores to the universities, they do not take part in other types of language tests any longer. In the other hand, English proficiency is the recruitm ent of the Chinese employees in foreign companies is one important criterion, and this test is considered as an objective, comprehensive response to the standard of English for the candidates. It can fully improve the ability of English for the test takers in four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Oral test plays an important role of the whole examination, because of the proceeding from the actual level and increasing verbal communication. If the candidates want to get a good mark, the most effective strategy is understand fully and practice speaking test to achieve a high score. As for the test takers they should calculate more useful information in the daily life, and learn more authentic culture, try to communicate with foreigner which can make more confident during the test. In addition, the IELTS training institutions should be responsible for each candidate, try to be fair and reliable for the test takers and make the error is reduced to a minimum.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Message of Courage in Schindlers List by Thomas Keneally Essay

The Message of Courage in Schindler's List by Thomas Keneally Throughout the novel of Schindler’s List, by Thomas Keneally, the message of courage is portrayed greatly. Keneally was a gentile man who wrote about how bad the Holocaust was, even-though he was not Jewish. He tells a story of how one man successfully saved thousands of Jews by letting them work for him. Keneally wrote about how helping someone pays off and by letting someone have a second chance which gives them a sense of hope in times of hardship. When Schindler was helping out Jews, Germany was taken over by Hitler’s Nazis. In times of hardship, some people stand up for the people in need and protect and help them. Oskar Schindler, a rich factory owner, risks his life and spends his personal fortune to save Jews listed as his workers during World War 2. Oskar Schindler risks everything to help the Jews escape the Holocaust. He is a German man and he should be against the Jews, in an idealistic way in Nazi Germany, but he is against the Third Reich. His heroism is deeply appreciated by the Jews as a whole for his works. He put people to work for him and the Nazis let those select Jews live. In one scene Schindler puts a man with one arm to work, because he surely would have been killed by the S.S officers due to his disability. The Nazis confront the handicapped man, and he tells them that he works for Mr. Schindler, shoveling snow. The Nazis leave him alone and tell Schindler that â€Å"there is a defected Jew working†(123) for him. Schindler tells them that he wants the man working for him. A few days later the Nazis come back to the man and ask how is job is going. They then detai n him and take him behind a building and shoot him. Schindler was a good man and he demonstrates this by giving people a helping hand. He tries to also bribe the Nazis in not killing any of his workers. â€Å"The S.S are corruptible as any police force.†(227) He wants to bribe them because he wants to keep all of his employees healthy and not dead. He stands up in a time of oppression and he shows how one person can have a major impact on a society. The style of Thomas Keneally is very descriptive and it’s in a point of view, where he is overlooking Oskar Schindler’s illustrious life. He tells each important event in step by step detail. He tells exactly what people look like and he tells how the army is com... ...dler’s List is to show how one man can stand up in a time of oppression and prevail. During the book Oskar comes to terms with reality and he figures out that he must help all of the Jews. He has to help Jews because his accountant is Jewish and he did not want to see him die because of his religion. He feels that nobody should be killed because of religion. So he decides to take as many Jews under his wing as possible. He puts them to work for him doing various things. He pays them and protects them from the Nazis. â€Å"I feel I need to help out in some way.†(193) He feels that since he helps out that he is doing good for a people. He has to be able to help out his workers. He feels that all people should be equal. He is absolutely right. What he had done was a beautiful thing. Basically, what I have seen is that Schindler was an amazing person. Nobody helped the Jews in World War 2, but Schindler did. It was a highly revered and heroic thing to do. I believe that the equality Schindler felt was truthfully amazing and he should go down in history as a savior. Schindler was a man who cared greatly about people. He was one of those men that felt that all men were created equal.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tyrannosaurus Rex Was a Slow Runner Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resear

Tyrannosaurus Rex Was a Slow Runner Ever since we were young we have been fascinated by the dinosaurs. We have played with dinosaurs as children, watched documentaries as adults with interest, and watching movies with enjoyment. No dinosaur from the past strikes more fear in the present day to the average person then that of Tyrannosaurus Rex. For decades children have played with dinosaurs and had T-Rex dominating other dinosaurs by chasing them down and destroying them. We have seen it time and time again in movies. In Jurassic Park we saw T-Rex terrorize humans, cars, and other dinosaurs. We have even dreamt about it, but if a recent study is correct we are false in our fears. The article Tyrannosaurus Rex was a Slowpoke by John Roach relieves us of our fears when it states that, â€Å"the Cretaceous landscape was filled with large, lumbering creatures that any human with a fast car or bike or maybe even a quick sprint could outpace† (Roach). He tells us that T-Rex, â€Å"did not have the leg strength to run very fast, if at all, according to a computer model developed by two experts in the mechanical movements of living creatures,† and, â€Å"bring the discipline of biomechanics to the long and at times contentious debate over just how fast the largest of the largest creatures ever to roam Earth could run.† In an article entitled Tyrannosaurus was not a fast runner, those experts, John R. Hutchison and Mariano Garcia provide us with a detailed account of a recent study they did. Their study is described in an article entitled Biomechanics: Walking with tyrannosaurs by Andrew A. Biewener. Biewener states that Hutchinson and Garcia, â€Å"introduce a new biomechanical approach,† to the question of dinosaur movement and provide an, â€Å"a... ...n. In conclusion, the recent study published by John R. Hutchinson and Mariano Garcia entitled Tyrannosaurus was not a fast runner, if it is true, has shattered what we have come to understand about Tyrannosaurus Rex. T-Rex was not a fast runner as popular movies have suggested, because it didn’t have the amount of extensor muscle needed to support itself for such activities. Maybe, sometime, another study will come along that counteracts this new study, but until then it appears that we have been wrong about T-Rex. Works Cited Biewener, Andrew A. â€Å"Biomechanics: Walking with Tyrannosaurs.† Nature 28 Feb 2002: 971-973 Hutchinson, John R., Garcia, Mariano â€Å"Tyrannosaurus was not a fast runner.† Nature 28 Feb 2002: 1018-1021 Roach, John â€Å"Tyrannosaurus Rex was a Slowpoke.† National Geographic News. 27 Feb. 2002.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

America Needs Sex Education in Schools Essay example -- Sex Education

Sex education is a major cause of arguments among parents and their school’s board of directors. Some parents argue that sex education should be taught at home or in their religious institution based upon their values. Should the public education system teach sex education to students? There has not been a solution that can be agreed upon unanimously. Sex education isn’t yet a necessity in every school but community support for it is slowly increasing. Sex education needs to be implemented in schools throughout the nation for the protection of today’s youth and further generations from the dangers of unsafe sex and to teach them to understand what sex means. Many problematic situations arise from the current status of sex education in the United States. Almost all of the problems in relation to this idea are results of the youth’s lack of knowledge about sex. Sex education can greatly impact the student’s future by preventing the alarming statistics being created by teenagers. The United States has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion compared to other developed nations (Kaneshiro B.). â€Å"Of the approximately 750,000 teen pregnancies that occur each year, 82% are unintended. Fifty-nine percent end in birth and more than one-quarter end in abortion ("Facts on American Teens' Sources of Information About Sex")†. However, the opposition would like to see it stay the way it is and for future children to fall into line with these bad trends. The opposition calls upon parental guidance for teaching children about the dangers and responsibilities of sex. They feel that it is a parental res ponsibility to inform their children of sex, the consequences of sex, and the necessity to have safe sex. The challeng... .../>. Sullivan, Amy. "How to Bring An End to the war of Sex Ed." Time Magazine U.S.. Time Magazine, March 19, 2012. Web. 12 Apr 2012. . Weiser, Dana A., and Monica K. Miller. "Barack Obama Vs Bristol Palin: Why The President's Sex Education Policy Wins." Contemporary Justice Review 13.4 (2010): 411-424. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. Wilson, Kelly L., and David C. Wiley. "Influence Of Materials On Teacher Adoption Of Abstinence-Only- Until-Marriage Programs."Journal Of School Health 79.12 (2009): 565-574. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. Zain Al-Dien, Muhammad M. "Perceptions Of Sex Education Among Muslim Adolescents In Canada." Journal Of Muslim Minority Affairs 30.3 (2010): 391-407. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. America Needs Sex Education in Schools Essay example -- Sex Education Sex education is a major cause of arguments among parents and their school’s board of directors. Some parents argue that sex education should be taught at home or in their religious institution based upon their values. Should the public education system teach sex education to students? There has not been a solution that can be agreed upon unanimously. Sex education isn’t yet a necessity in every school but community support for it is slowly increasing. Sex education needs to be implemented in schools throughout the nation for the protection of today’s youth and further generations from the dangers of unsafe sex and to teach them to understand what sex means. Many problematic situations arise from the current status of sex education in the United States. Almost all of the problems in relation to this idea are results of the youth’s lack of knowledge about sex. Sex education can greatly impact the student’s future by preventing the alarming statistics being created by teenagers. The United States has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy, birth, and abortion compared to other developed nations (Kaneshiro B.). â€Å"Of the approximately 750,000 teen pregnancies that occur each year, 82% are unintended. Fifty-nine percent end in birth and more than one-quarter end in abortion ("Facts on American Teens' Sources of Information About Sex")†. However, the opposition would like to see it stay the way it is and for future children to fall into line with these bad trends. The opposition calls upon parental guidance for teaching children about the dangers and responsibilities of sex. They feel that it is a parental res ponsibility to inform their children of sex, the consequences of sex, and the necessity to have safe sex. The challeng... .../>. Sullivan, Amy. "How to Bring An End to the war of Sex Ed." Time Magazine U.S.. Time Magazine, March 19, 2012. Web. 12 Apr 2012. . Weiser, Dana A., and Monica K. Miller. "Barack Obama Vs Bristol Palin: Why The President's Sex Education Policy Wins." Contemporary Justice Review 13.4 (2010): 411-424. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012. Wilson, Kelly L., and David C. Wiley. "Influence Of Materials On Teacher Adoption Of Abstinence-Only- Until-Marriage Programs."Journal Of School Health 79.12 (2009): 565-574. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Web. 24 Apr. 2012. Zain Al-Dien, Muhammad M. "Perceptions Of Sex Education Among Muslim Adolescents In Canada." Journal Of Muslim Minority Affairs 30.3 (2010): 391-407. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Feb. 2012.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Finance Textbook Essay

Growth rate: Your finance textbook sold 53,250 copies in its first year. The publishing company expects the sales to grow at a rate of 20 percent each year for the next three years and by 10 percent in the fourth year. Calculate the total number of copies that the publisher expects to sell in years 3 and 4. Draw a time line to show the sales level for each of the next four years. 1) 53250 x 1.20 = 2) 1st Year = 63900 x 1.20 = 3) 2nd year = 76680 x 1.20 = 4) 3rd year = 92016 5) 4th year = 92016 x 1.10 = 101218 Problem 5.21 Multiple compounding periods: Find the present value of $3,500 under each of the following rates and periods: a. 8.9 percent compounded monthly for five years. $2247 b. 6.6 percent compounded quarterly for eight years. $2073 c. 4.3 percent compounded daily for four years. $ 2947 d. 5.7 percent compounded continuously for three years. $2950 Problem 6.19 Future value with multiple cash flows: Trigen Corp. management will invest cash flows of $331,000, $616,450, $212,775, $818,400, $1,239,644, and $1,617,848 in research and development over the next six years. If the appropriate interest rate is 6.75 percent, what is the future value of these investment cash flows six years from today?

Functionalism and Poverty

Bethune cookman university | Poverty: From A Functionalist & A Conflict Perspective| Social Problems – SO 132| | John Arthur Jackson, III| 9/29/2012| This assignment will analyze two different forms of social analysis and how it relates to explaining the existence of poverty. | Functionalists Perspective & It’s View Concerning Poverty As it concerns social analysis, the functionalists believe that society is a stable, and orderly system comprised of interrelated, and interdependent parts all working together to achieve homeostasis (equilibrium).As far as the individual is concerned, they view them as being shaped by society, a relatively passive people molded by their experience and interactions with society. Any change that occurs in society is deemed disruptive and the system would seek to restore balance quickly. In addition, any part that is dysfunctional is correlated to the system as a whole, and there is not one thing that stands in isolation from the other. Conc erning poverty, functionalists argue that poverty is not as apparent as the figures put it. There is a consensus that even though poverty is a social problem, it isn’t as abundant as we think it is.This consensus is come to after the functionalists take into consideration the antipoverty benefits that are available for those who experience and just like that poverty is much lower than popular belief. So in lament terms functionalists claim that if we take into account all of the available benefits that are for poor people then we would come to a conclusion that poverty is lower than estimation. As you can see, poverty from this perspective is just a way of life, and perhaps probably an incentive, encouraging everyone to work that much harder to promote overall well-being and possible social mobility.Possibly, there is an ultimate balance by the existence of poverty by depicting a clear division of power and wealth. There will always be the rich, and there will always be the p oor and thus balance. Poverty, serves to remind those who aren’t in that position to have a reason to attain or to achieve just to avoid having to conform to the problem of poverty. Also, the existence of poverty allows others to compare themselves to, just to make the contrast between the two provide certain thankfulness to their situation. As to say that, whatever they are going through couldn’t get that much worse than someone who is already in poverty.Conflict Perspective & It’s View Concerning Poverty The idea that society is just a continuous power struggle between social classes over the availability and allocation of scarce resources would be the perspective of the Conflict Theorists. The premise of their argument is that there doesn’t need to be a reason to place blame on people who find themselves in an impoverished socioeconomic condition. Logically, if we continue to place blame on the people who are living in poverty, we continue to shift the focus off of the problem and onto the individual which shouldn’t be the case.There should be a firm emphasis on the bigger societal problems that occur by the hands of the unstable capitalists and avaricious elitists who continue to perpetuate a falsified ideology for people to believe in. Conflict Theorists claim that poverty â€Å"†¦ is rooted in past and present prejudice and discrimination that keeps people of color out of the economic mainstream†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kendall 2012). The subpar socioeconomically related living conditions that impoverished African Americans and other minorities find themselves in are just the fuel to the fire. †¦ Inadequate housing, sub-standard schools, and crime-ridden neighborhoods†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kendall 2012) causes the high poverty rate among the aforementioned racial groups. The lacks of regulated social policies that concern the ever-present and ongoing problems of economic inequality continue to perpetuate the capitalistic ideo logy as well as subordinate the ethnic groups that face this alienation. The conflict theorists agree that the structural problems (substandard schools, inadequate housing etc. 😉 are beyond the poor person’s control.So in order to rectify this situation, it would behoove the nation’s political and business leadership to formulate a way to compensate people who are living in poverty in accordance to being able to afford the basic necessities of life. In addition, the wealthy must face a tax cut, so that the middle class can strengthen and the lower class can shrink. In other words, in order to significantly reduce the problem of poverty; conflict theorists believe that we must stop blaming the victim for being poor, but instead find a way that benefits and help the poor people become more affluent, not financially only but economically as well.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Design And Construction Fundamentals Of Earth Engineering Essay

Abstraction: This paper focuses on Earth dikes, one of the oldest dike in the universe. Forming service reservoir for domestic H2O supply and irrigation intent, Earth dams comprise the most legion category. The design and building of Earth dikes is complex because of the nature of the changing foundation conditions and the different belongingss of the stuffs available for the building of the embankment. Careful choice of site and types of stuffs used in the building every bit good as a site probe are critical. Last but non least, an apprehension of the possible failure of Earth dikes is of import in the design and building procedure of the Earth dikes.1. IntroductionEarth dikes, besides called Earthen or Earth-filled dikes are by and large built in or near drainage line which has assortment of intents including domestic H2O supplies, agricultural irrigation, H2O for landscape betterment and others. One advantage of the Earth dike is that it can accommodate to a weak foundation provid ed proper consideration is given to the foundation and design of the Earth dikes. However, failure of any of import portion of the Earth dikes such as ooze, structural and foundation will take to the prostration of the whole dike.Types of Earth DamsConstructed as a simple homogeneous embankment of good compacted Earth, Earth dikes are classified as Homogenous Earth Dams, Zoned Earth Dams and Diaphragm Dams. A brief treatment of the types of dike is as follow: Homogeneous Earth Dam is a sort of common Earth dikes which consist of two chief constituents ; the imperviable to semi-pervious construction and the toe filter and the drain. The intent of the filter and the drain is to supply a done manner for ooze to go out the dike construction without doing eroding. This type of dike is normally built on an imperviable foundation such as solid stone or clay. The following type of Earth dike is Diaphragm Dam. A stop dike, can be used when there is no imperviable bed below the dike and alteration of the dike can be made to accommodate at an imperviable bed. Besides, this type of dike is limited to a tallness of 8.0m in order to maintain ooze forces at a safe degree. Last type of Earth Dam is Zoned Dam. A Zoned Dam is known to be the most efficient usage of dirt as each stuff is used to its greatest potency. The incline protection protects the shoulder from eroding and beckon action, the nucleus retains the H2O and the shoulders stabilize the nucleus. Last, Figure 1 shows the 3 types of Earth dikes. Figure 1. Cross subdivision of Homogenous Earth dike, Zoned Earth Dam and Diaphragm Dams ( Stone, 2003 ) .2. Design OF EARTH DAMEarth dike is built for the intent of hive awaying H2O and is made of compacted Earth. It is normally more convenient when concrete is expensive and timber beginning is scarce.2.1 FoundationA site probe should be conducted anterior to building so as to look into the nature of the foundation. By cognizing the existent foundation status at site, the Earth dike can so be designed harmonizing to it. A dike foundation is said to be equal if it is capable of supplying a stable support for the embankment under all status of impregnation and burden and that it supply adequate opposition to seepage to avoid inordinate loss of H2O ( Bureau of Reclamation 1987 ) . Harmonizing to Bureau of Reclamation ( 1987 ) , dam foundation can be by and large classified into three types viz. foundation of stone, foundation of farinaceous stuff and foundation of powdered stuff. These foundations may necessitate to be treated to stabilise any failing every bit good as to cut down ooze. For case, farinaceous, pervious foundations present no troubles in the affair of colony or stableness whereas a powdered, weak foundation is capable to colony or supplanting normally present no job in ooze. Rock foundation on the other manus must be checked for erosive escape and inordinate uplift force per unit area. If such conditions exist, grouting to the foundation must be considered.2.2 DirtEarth dike is normally built with clay, sand and crushed rock and hence is besides known as Earth make full dike. The type of dirt used in the building of an Earth dike must be suited to let for optimal compression every bit good to cut down ooze. Soil permeableness is one of of import standards to be considered in dam design, seepage-confinement units, drainage and other structural elements ( Goldin, AL & A ; Rasskazov, LN 1992 ) . Higher frictional opposition and greater permeableness in farinaceous dirts is the ground for its greater stableness as compared to cohesive dirts. Greater permeableness permits rapid dissipation of pore H2O force per unit areas ensuing from compressive forces.2.3 EmbankmentIn finding the tallness of the embankment, it is necessary to apportion for a colony between 5 to 10 per centum. This is to forestall its tallness from going lower than the wasteweir tallness ( Figure 2 ) since colony is ineluctable despite holding a good compression due to the fact that air and H2O are being forced out of the nothingnesss by the weight of the dike, therefore doing consolidation ( Shaw, R & A ; Smout, I 2009 ) . During compression, equal attempt should be applied throughout the dike to forestall differential colony. The minimal compression attempt should non be less than 95 % of the Standard Maximum Dry Density ( Department of Primary Industries and Water 2008 ) . The stableness of the embankment depends mostly on its ability to defy shear emphasis which comes from internally applied tonss such as the weight of the dirt and the embankment inclines, and externally applied tonss such as reservoir and Earthquake tonss. As mentioned earlier, steeper inclines can be adopted for farinaceous dirts since they are more stable. In contrast, a gentler incline needs to be applied for homogeneous stuff with low permeableness. Figure 2. Cross subdivision of an Earth dike2.4 SpillwaySpillway plays an of import function in Earth dike since it allows inordinate H2O to flux without dominating the dike wall. There are two types of wasteweir viz. the cut wasteweir ( Figure 3 ) and natural wasteweir. Figure 3. The place of a cut wasteweir In order to cut down H2O speed and later minimise eroding, a soft incline for wasteweir must be provided. However, for steep incline, loose rocks or geotextile can be provided to cut down eroding. Apart from that, equal capacity for the wasteweir must be provided to forestall dominating and to enable the wasteweir to efficaciously manage run-off.3. Construction ON EARTH DAMS3.1 DeprivingOrganic dirt and flora must be removed from the country that will be covered by the dam base. The removed organic dirt are stockpiled and used on the downstream incline of the fill.3.2 Key trenchKey trench which is besides known as cutoff trench is excavated below the base of the fill to a lower limit of three pess deep for dike with 10 to 12 pess height. The cardinal trench is included in the dike design to procure the dike to the base stuff and to forestall ooze under the fill.3.3 Diversion tunnelDiversion channels are excavated before the dike can be constructed. This tunnel is frequently lined with concrete. The tunnel is built around the dike building country at one side of the vale. In the drill holes, explosive stuffs are placed and blaring will takes topographic point. The dirt or broke n stone is so removed. The stairss are repeated until the tunnel is completed. Figure 4. Constructing a recreation channel ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In Figure 5, after the dike building is completed, the recreation channel is closed o let the lake to get down make fulling. Figure 5. Closing of recreation tunnel ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )3.4 CofferdamIn summer, the building on deviating the river starts when the river degrees are low. At the upstream of the upstream of the chief dike building country, little dike which is besides called as caisson are built. It is built utilizing Earth-moving equipment. The caisson will move as a barrier to the river and the H2O will flux to the recreation tunnels. The 2nd caisson will be built downstream of the chief dike building country. At this country, the caisson will forestall the river flow to flux back into the building country. Figure 6. Cofferdams act as barriers to the river ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )3.5 Foundation GroutingGrouting consists of lines or a line of holes which are drilled into the dike foundation. The two types of foundation grouting are drape and consolidation grouting.3.6 Curtain groutingCurtain grouting consists of a individual row of urarthritis holes which are drilled and grouted in sequence by bagger proving to the base of the permeable stone or to a deepness that acceptable hydraulic gradients are achieved ( Fell et al 2005 ) . Based on Figure 7, primary holes are drilled foremost. The last hole spacing will usually be 1.5m or 4m, but besides may be every bit close as 0.5m ( Fell et al 2005 ) . This attack allows control over the efficiency of the drape grouting. Figure 7. Curtain and consolidation grouting ( Fell et al, 2005 ) Figure 8. Grouting downstage with bagger ( WRC, 1981 )3.7 Fill buildingEarth dike is normally constructed from imperviable stuff which is clay or clay-based stuff. The building stuffs, taken from the environing country have to be placed and compacted horizontally in the fill. Dry dirts are normally added with wet and compression equipment such as a sheepsfoot bagger is used to obtain the proper compression. The building started by make fulling the cutoff trench with well-compacted stuff and six inch beds is added until the maximal tallness is obtained. The top of the dike at the centre of the draw is normally built 10 per cent higher than the design to let colony of the fill. Based on Figure 9, a riparian pipe is placed through the underside of the fill and a frost-free valve is placed on the riparian pipe. This pipe and valve system map is to let H2O to be released downstream to other H2O storage installations during H2O deficits. Figure 9. Elevation position of dike ( hypertext transfer protocol: // $ department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex4613 )4. POTENTIAL FAILURES OF EARTH DAMSPotential failures of dikes have ever been great importance and much attending has been given to safety rating and research due to their black effects. Harmonizing to Fell, MacGregor, Stapledon and Bell ( 2005 ) , 79 % of Earth dikes with less than 30m high suffer more failures than higher dike. This may reflect better design, monitoring and surveillance of larger dike. Potential failures of Earth dike can be grouped into three classs: Fluid mechanicss failure, ooze failure and structural failures. A detail treatment of the types of possible failure of Earth dike is as follow:4.1 Fluid mechanicss FailureFluid mechanicss failure occurs by the surface eroding of the dike by H2O. Fluid mechanicss failure is due to several grounds. One of fluid mechanicss failure is dominating of dikes. Dominating failure occurs when the d egree of the reservoir exceeds the capacity of the dike. Harmonizing to Fell, MacGregor, Stapledon and Bell ( 2005 ) , over-topping is one of the chief causes of failure in Earth dikes. Overtopping may besides be caused by deficient freeboard provided. Figure 10 shows the overtopping of Earth dike. Following, eroding of upstream face ( Figure 11 ) due to uninterrupted wave action caused eroding of the dike. However, this can be avoided if the surface is protected by rock rip-rap and filter. The following ground is due to eroding of downstream incline by rain H2O. Although the downstream face of the embankment is non affected by reservoir H2O, it may acquire eroded by heavy rain fluxing down the face of the dike, doing the formation of gullies and eventually prostration of the whole dike. An Example of failure of Earth dikes due to dominating is South Fork Dam which is built across Conemaugh River, Pennsylvania. The intent of the dike was to provide H2O to a navigable canal from Johnstown to Pittsburg. The dike was about 2.5m high and during a heavy rainstorm on 30th May 1889, big sum of dust was washed into the reservoir and blocked the wasteweir. Finally the dike was overtopped and failed by eroding let go ofing a inundation moving ridge about 1.2m high. Figure 10. Overtopping of dike ensuing in washout ( Bassell, 1999 ) . Figure 11. Erosion of upstream face by moving ridges interrupting on the surface ( Bassell, 1999 ) .4.2 Seepage failureSeepage failure is besides known as piping failure. Seepage failures are by and large caused by pervious foundation, escape through embankments, conduit escape and shedding. All dikes have seepage as the impounded H2O seeks way of least opposition through the dike construction and its foundation. If the surface ooze intersects the upstream face of the dike, eroding may happen which will take to possible failure of the dike. Typical method used to command the measure of ooze is rock fills installed at the downstream toe or gravel covers to cross the line of ooze before it reaches downstream toe as shown in Figure12. Figure 12. Seepage through a dike or embankment with stone toe or crushed rock cover. ( Stone, 2003 )4.3 Structural FailureStructural failure includes failure of the upstream, downstream inclines of the Earth dike, foundation every bit good as checking distortion and colony ( Figure 13 ) of the dike construction that may take to dominating or seepage failure. Slides in embankment occur when the inclines are excessively steep ( Figure 14 ) for the shear strength of the embankment stuff to defy the emphasiss imposed. Failure of this type normally cause by defective design and building. As for foundation failure, it occurs because of inordinate pore H2O force per unit area which reduces the strength of the dirt which it may non be able to defy the shear emphasiss induced by the embankment. Furthermore, harm caused by tunneling animate beings lead to structural failure. This causes seepage H2O to flux out rapidly, transporting all right stuffs along which accordingly leads to shrieking failure within the construction of the dike and eventually take to a complete prostration of the dike. Figure 13. Excessive colony of dike and foundation ( Bassell, 1999 ) . Figure 14. Downstream face excessively steep unable to be resisted by dirt shear strength ( Bassell, 1999 ) .5. DecisionEarth dike, besides known as Earth filled dike, is built for the intent of hive awaying H2O. It can be classified into three different types which vary in their designs. A site probe must be conducted prior to plan and building to find the appropriate design that suits the foundation of the dike. The type of dirt used in the building of the Earth dike must let for optimal compression. The stableness of the dirt will so act upon the incline design of the embankment. During building, flora and organic dirt will be removed from the dam country. Water will be diverted to let for building. In add-on, grouting is besides done to assist better the foundation. When planing and building an Earth dike, it is besides critical to see possible dike failures so as to take considerations to forestall it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Module discussion

Organization Priorities Identify the current health policy priorities for your state nurses association. Identify the benefits that could come to you, your community, health care consumers in the district, and other members of the nursing profession if proposed priorities were supported. Develop a plan of action to educate your state senators and representatives about these priorities. The Florida Nurses Association (FAN) Is Involved In a couple legislative related projects that I found on their website.Firstly, I found the Fan's position on the expansion of Medicaid. In the document provided on their website there Is lot of background Information on Medical and how this would affect the population (FAN, 2012). While this legislative topic has already been addressed, I still thought It would be useful to discuss. I found another bill, H. R. 5113, which alms to end the Increased federal funding for Medicaid expansion with respect to Inmates hospital care under the Patient Protection a nd Affordable Care Act (FAN, 2014).As the FAN already supported the expansion, I find this would contradict their previously stated position on Medicaid expansion. Personally, I do think this bill should be supported. As a nurse, I cannot see the fairness of removing coverage of individuals who are inmates. To educate my state senators and representatives on my position, I would plan to write them a letter. I would write my letter Just as we did for one of our assignments. After that assignment I feel as though I can accomplish a lot more than I could before hen it comes to writing professional letters.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Catcher in the Rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example But while they are too busy fooling around with each other, the ship is heading towards a disaster that the world will never forget. The story kind of reminds me of Jane. She and I used to always hang out. We were not in love, but there was something there. Then she had to go and date Stradlater. I am the Jack to Jane’s Rose – the lowly one that deserves her more. The movie was too long and too phony. The director would have done everyone some good if he had cut the pointless stuff from it. The modern storyline was too bizarre for my own taste. All of the flashbacks, and the scenes jumping from the past to the present and back again irritated me a bit, to tell ya the truth. It became confusing after a while. Have an over-the-hill Rose retell her phony story of love and lies while a treasure seeker explores the wreckage of the ship is a nice touch, but only distracted me from the actual plot of the movie. And how Jack’s chalk drawing would last almost a year a century under water is beyond me. I swear to God that is should have been washed into pieces years ago; clearly water was able to get into the safe, but it does not make sense that the only damage was by a few drops of water, ya know? The last few scenes seemed to drag on a little too long. No kidding. It had nothing to do with the amount of detail, but with the amount of goddam stupidity between Rose and Jack. I think it is stupid when they make a scene longer than it has to be when they could just cut out all of the pointless stuff. It would have made me less bored. The special effects were the best part of the goddam movie, to tell ya the truth, and the music was pretty damn good. It was not a great movie - good, but not the best thing around. The romance between Cal, Rose, and Jack was phony; Rose did not seem to know what she was doing and Cal seemed more interested in beating the crap out of Jack than actually saving his pathetic relationship with

Thursday, September 12, 2019

See below Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

See below - Coursework Example Bait and switch becomes unlawful when the seller is not able to or declines to offer the advertised commodity to the buyer, does not avail required quantity of the commodity to the customer, or fails to deliver or commit to deliver the commodity within a reasonable time after an order is placed. In the case however, there is no sale of goods scenario between the shop and the sales personnel and no advertisement at a low price with the aim inducing the other party to a more expensive product. Further, the commission rate does not relate to customers. The situation, therefore, does not identify an unlawful bait and switch (Emerson 253). Set 2- b The case involves a college scenario in which a worker discovered money during a mass clean up. The college offered lockers to students but decided to do a clean up before changing its allocation arrangement for efficient record keeping. Students were asked to clear their property from their respective lockers but cleaners found some things, ma inly old and discarded items, in the lockers. While cleaning, Frank, one of the workers, discovered a small paper bag and found cash amounting to $ 10000 in bills. The college has demanded for the money while frank claims right over the cash and it is believed that the cash could be related to drug sales. The matter to be determined in the case is potential issues for identifying the party with a right over the money and involves whether the money is lost, mislaid, or abandoned property, and the difference between the concepts. The concept of lost property is identifiable and offers a solution to the rightful owner of the money. A property is termed lost if the owner â€Å"negligently, carelessly, or inadvertently leaves it† at a place (Cheeseman 792). In the case, the owner of the cash, presumably a student, was negligent because the institution adviced students to clear all their property from the lockers. Even though owners of some lockers could not be identified, the scho ol is not the owner because it did not know of the property’s existence and could have removed it of notified cleaners of its existence. The concept of lost property that confers ownership rights to whoever discovers a lost property. The money is therefore a lost property and Frank gains ownership (Cheeseman 792). Set 3- a Jake and Kate are members of a limited liability company that is member managed. Jake is a member of a three-person management team while Kate is not. The two are however actively involved in the management and entered into a contract on behalf of the company, each placing $ 1000 as deposit but the management team refused to ratify the contract. Members of a limited liability company have rights and obligations of the members. As a member of the management team, Jake has a right to operate and create contracts on behalf of the company while Kate has no right to engage in any activity on behalf of the company. The two members however have rights to be indemn ified for payments made on behalf of the company. Both members have obligations to be loyal to the company, and to ensure duty of care to the company. In addition, Jake had an obligation to perform fiduciary duties (Cheeseman 662-665). Set 4- a Lorna operates a sole proprietorship business but the enterprise has a separate name, telephone numbers, and account number. She operates the business as a separate entity from her personal life and has stated that the business

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Artillery used by the NORTH During the Civil War (Gettysburg) Research Paper

Artillery used by the NORTH During the Civil War (Gettysburg) - Research Paper Example The general classification of Artillery was based on caliber and weight. The other factors considered include mobility, as well as the carriage form or mounting. Notably, "Field" artillery was regarded ordnance light, as well as mobile to help in maneuvering during battle. Numerous larger guns used by the North and South were locked permanently in fortifications. The defense in Washington alone had 98 mortars and 807 guns. Many of such fortification guns were never used in attacking the enemy via the entire war. Regarding the Northern armies, they were uniformly equipped with the 12-pounder Napoleon, 10- pounder, or 3-inch rifle parrots. Although the Northern were armed, their artillery batteries usually had a number of non-standard guns, and all every gun called for different ammunitions. The North had many advantages compared to the South in acquiring small arms. The advantages were the resultant of the fact that the Confederacy entirely relied on the smuggled imports following the advanced naval blockade. The North thus accessed different models from England and France as the Confederate army imported them. According to Allen, in the article Artillery, the organization of Artillery fell into two categories, the union and confederate. Batteries for the union artillery were often constituted of six guns used in three, sections, involving two guns. There were three sections; right, middle, and right sections. Battery for Confederate constituted of four guns. The four guns were of different types, and therefore, supply for the Confederate ammunition to artillery batteries became very difficult to implement. Each Confederate composed of almost sixty-eight men. A Field Artillery battery incorporated six guns at full strength. All guns were linked to a limber being pulled by horses; a caisson was also used to offer more support. There were two chests

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Strengths and limitations of assessment methods Essay

Strengths and limitations of assessment methods - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that different assessment methods can be more or less effective in assessing the different skills, attitudes, and knowledge of your students. A teacher would probably set up a practical activity and have learners demonstrate their skills for assessment. Some learners are not, however, as confident as others demonstrating practical skills and need more time to observe others or to practice these skills in a less formal setting. Practical assessments, such as demonstrations, presentations, and simulations can be limited with regards to assessing learners’ theoretical understanding of a subject. Group discussions can engage and motivate the majority of students but some learners might feel left out. Multiple-choice exams provide opportunities for learners to receive immediate feedback and results but do not provide them with opportunities to elaborate on concepts. Essays, on the other hand, provide learners with opportunities to explore their ideas and elaborate on concepts relating to the subject but are difficult to assess. Some assessment methods, like role-plays, can be â€Å"holistic† and help you assess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of your learners but some learners can be inhibited by their nerves. Given the above strengths and weaknesses of different assessment methods, it is important for an instructor or a teacher to consider individual learner needs. For instance, it is essential that any initial assessment procedure is done in the context of recognizing a learner’s aspirations as well as learning goals.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Discuss the impact of British colonial rule, and in particular the Essay

Discuss the impact of British colonial rule, and in particular the regulations regarding witchcraft accusations and oracles, on the framing and methods of Evans - Essay Example Most of the world’s knowledge of witchcraft during that period and beyond in fact came down from Western Europe, where it was believed that many people practiced witchcraft, something considered evil and frightening. Scholars believe that witchcraft in Europe was part of a very ancient religion that existed long before Christianity. Thousands of witch trials were held there at which people were accused of witchcraft. These witch trials were later replicated in massive proportions in Salem, Massachussets in the US, another former British colony, where suspected witches were hanged and burned at the stake. So it must have been nothing new for the British to come upon the practice of witchcraft in many African territories that they colonized. Much like their forbears in the Middle Ages, their reaction to witchcraft in Africa was one of fear followed by a desire to persecute and eliminate the source of that fear. This is exactly what the British tried to do in Azande, a territory that straddles the boundaries of Sudan, Zaire and the Central African Republic. Under the 1899 Anglo-French Convention, the French who competed and fought with the British in Africa ceded the Azande to the British. Forthwith, the British established a military outpost there which military occupation gave way to civil administration in 1920. The Azandes lived in the watershed area between the Nile and Congo rivers to which they were resettled from the wilderness by the British after the first World War. They never returned to the jungles. When the British gave Azande some independence, it set up a civil service system manned by career people generally from the upper classes in England. A British colonial governor and a legislative council ruled the territory alongside the native chieftains. One of the first steps taken

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Literature ((BRITISH COLONIAZATION IN AFRICA)) - Essay Example Goods that the British acquired from Igboland were spices, iron, palm products, timber, and elephant tusks, just to name a few. At first, the British were trading at the coast of Africa, but greed motivated them to make their way into Nigeria and take over the Igbo people, exploiting them and their resources in order to gain as much as possible (Litvack, "The Igbo People--Origins and History," 2001). The British colonization of southern Nigeria had a devastating impact on the Igbo people. For one, it caused the clans and the villages to turn against one another. Where there was once unity, there was now dissension, disharmony, and upheaval. Their once familiar way of life was now destroyed, never to be the same again. They were forced to adapt a new way of living, be subject to new rulers, and even adhere to a new religion, which was very much contrary to what they were used to. All of these devastating effects were what was responsible for the breakdown of the Igbo people, as well as the extreme loss of identity and culture (Litvack, "The Igbo People--Origins and History," 2001). Before the British colonists forced their religion upon them, the Igbo followed their traditional tribal religion. They believed in several gods who were led by one God named Chukwu. Chukwu was responsible for the creation of all things, and he was the leader of all of the minor deities. Chukwu was believed to be an almighty and powerful god who was omnipresent. Being that the people held this belief about Chukwu, temples, sanctuaries, symbols, and numerous representations of the god were all throughout the land. Aside from Chukwu, there were minor deities who competed amongst themselves. The minor deities each had their roles. Some punish people for offending the Igbo society, while others made sure people did not take advantage of their privileges. Then there were the gods who controlled the weather, as well as the growth of the crops (Litvack, "Religion and the Igbo People," 2001). Families and villages had their own gods that they adhered to, and each individual person had what was known as a Chi, which was a spirit that was returned to them at death by Chukwu. The Chi could either be good or bad. It was all dependent upon how the person behaved throughout life (Litvack, "Religion and the Igbo People," 2001). The Igbo also believed that the spirits of their deceased family members would watch over them to ensure that nothing bad came upon them and caused them harm. Because of this belief, it was common practice that the people prayed to the dead and asked them to ensure that they had a good and prosperous future. If anyone spoke against one of the deceased people who died an honorable or socially acceptable death, they were violating the law. Those who died in ways that the Igbo felt to be socially acceptable were who they considered as the good spirits that ensured safety and good fortune. That who died in a way that was not acceptable to Igbo society was considered to be the spirits that caused harm and upheaval. Deaths that were considered to be socially unacceptable were mothers dying during labor, babies dying before they had teeth, those who committed suicide and any who died during the sacred month. Multiple births were also considered disgraceful. For instance, if a mother concei ved twins or more, those babies were left to die

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Obligations Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obligations Law - Essay Example However CounterAct Ltd accused In-Tech Ltd of making false statements during negotiations. The In-Tech Ltd are liable to false statements as accused based on the information they presented during the negotiation process. For instance, in an email on February 15th, she assured CounterAct’s Head of IT that the DX-5 would be very cheap to run, costing â€Å"no more than 25 pounds a week†. The sales manager knew that the system’s running costs are extremely high and did not disclose the information. Instead, she assured the buyer that the system is cheap. But we find that the system is consuming electricity at a rate of 50 pounds per day. This is too expensive considering the fact that In-Tech had given the value of 25 in a week. This makes In-Tech liable to fraud and according to the elements of common law; this is because In-Tech makes a knowing misrepresentation of the material facts that it presents to the other party. In this case, Lily knew about the costs were high but did not disclose the information. It is a fact that the DX-5 is expensive; this is against the promise made by In-Tech managers that the system would be cheap. Clause 13 of the contract provided for the proper installation of the system; this means that the system needed to be installed in good condition in the first week of July. The deadline for the installation was the 8th day of July. Unfortunately, by 14th July the software setup was not installed and there were reports that the In-Tech Ltd had become notorious for late installations. The action is fraudulent because they had promised and even signed the contract on the same. The fact is that, they knew about the process of installation because this is their line of business but they gave a short period of installation. This is considered by the law as promissory fraud. For instance, a case of this sort was litigated in Markow v ABC Transfer & Storage Co. In this case, a commercial tenant entered into negotiations to renew its lease on a warehouse and railroad yard. The warehouse was crucial to the tenant’s continued business relationship with its main client, the Scott Paper Company, because Scott used the warehouse a regional product distribution facility. The parties were assured of renewal of tenant’s lease during the contract renewal negotiations but the landlord was secretly engaged in negotiations of selling the company to the Boeing Company at the same time. The sale went through and the landlord gave a notice to that tenant to vacate in twenty days. The tenant thus lost the Scott Paper contract and incurred extra ordinary relocation expenses. The court found that the landlord’s promise regarding the lease renewal was fraudulent; the promise was done to tie the tenant to the case as the sale did not materialize. The meaning of this is that false promises may cause great losses to the buyer and the seller through the court is forced to compensate the buyer. In another instance, In-Tech Ltd is liable to false statement when they claim that DX-5 is indestructible and the CounterAct staff argues that when once staff spilled a cup of coffee the system reacted badly to the heat and moisture and had to be repaired. The In-Tech may have ignored the information hence misrepresentation of information is evident. All along there had been a misrepresentation of information and in most cases if the buyer realizes later that certain information was not

Outline French Revolution Debate Essay Example for Free

Outline French Revolution Debate Essay I. How do you think Louis XVIs qualities as a good leader led to the French Revolution?A. Louis XVI did not have confidence in himself, which made it impossible foranyone to have confidence in himB.A mediocre leader could run any country into debt, but only a miserable leader could let a Revolution happen that is negative for the current governmentC.Many of the people doubted him many times, and he could not fool an entire country into thinking the current system (Old Regime) wasnt broken and didnt need to be fixed II. In your opinion, what were the most major causes for the French Revolution?A.Old Regime1.Third estate treated ridiculously unfairly2.97% of people poor, impoverished and oppressedB.Enlightenment1.3rd Estate had little no say in government2.Prior, they were told what to think3.Enlightenment made people think and rethink all aspects of society4.Challenged church and government5.Led to people taking actionC.Estates-General Meeting1.Gave the 3rd Estate a voice2.Led to the creation of the National Assembly3.Made the 3rd Estate realize they can force change III. How large of an impact did the Enlightenment have on the French Revolution?A.Led to other things; got the ball moving on the subjectB.Let people think everything over for themselves, without a government bias IV. One of the historians in the film called the French Revolution the crossroads of themodern world. What does this mean, do you agree with this claim?A.No, American Revolution1.Happened around the same time, but America went through the Industrial Revolution first2.France declined after the revolution, as America skyrocketed3.America destroyed a world power, France destroyed themselvesB.Still many other monarchys in place at this time V. What kind of leader was Robespierre? Do you think he did a good job representing theFrench people?A.Described as an incorruptible leaderB.Better leader than Louis XVIC.Became power hungry, declined at the end of his reign1.Was reason for Reign of Terror2.Killed people he was afraid ofD.Did a good job, kept the Revolution going and helped it along VI.. Why do you think the initial goals of the Revolution became so distorted during theReign of Terror? Why do you think Robespierre had so much fear of politicaltraitors?A.Not sure if Robespierre was for or against the RevolutionB.New issues came up over timeC.Preoccupied with fearing for your lifeD.Feared political traitors because he was greedy1.Liked being in office2.Didnt want anyone to take that away from  him3.Could trust no one VII. What were the most important long term effects of the French Revolution?A.Democracy in FranceB.Bastille Day